Category: Projects

  • Pakistan


    Launched in September 2023, the overall objective of the SENSREC-DW (SENSREC-Decent Work) project is to enhance the capacity of the Government of Pakistan and its ship recycling industry to promote a just transition and put in place sound and effective measures that improve the standards of health, safety and environmental compliance at ship recycling yards,…

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  • Bangladesh


    Launched in 2015, the SENSREC project in Bangladesh has produced a number of economic and environmental studies on ship recycling, developed and deployed training materials for the ship recycling workers and is contributing to the development of infrastructure including facilities for treatment, storage and disposing of hazardous wastes generated from recycling operations.  SENSREC Bangladesh is currently…

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  • Women


    The project includes efforts to support the participation of women in equal terms within the ship recycling industry at all levels. To guide and monitor these efforts, SENSREC has a gender action plan and results framework have been developed for the project.  This in line with IMO’s Strategic Plan, which specifically address the goal of strengthening…

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